General Electric (GE) has been known as a leadership brand for decades. However, as a US-based firm, how does GE replicate that success in a region as diverse as Asia? HQ Asia...
Author: Michael Daniels
For effective global leadership, organisations need the right people and the right processes in place to let them succeed. Researchers from the US and South Korea outline two...
Willing to Grow: Leader Humility in Asia
Is humility in an Asian leader a sign of strength or weakness? Michael Daniels summarises recent research he conducted with co-authors Burak Oc (Bocconi University), Gary...
Studies appear to suggest that diversity is a key driver of business success. A team of researchers hailing from the US, China and Hong Kong, however, found that being a member...
Team-Building in the Digital Era
Naveen Bhat, Vice President and General Manager, Asia-Pacific of Ixia, spoke with HQ Asia about how his company leverages the competitive spirit of employees to boost morale,...